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Department of Agricultural Economics, OAU.
Area(s) of Specialization
Agricultural Marketing
B. Agric., M.Sc., Ph.D (Agricultural Economics)
(i) Yesufu, O.A. and T.K. Yesufu (2005): Market Potential Estimation from National Defense and Debts, In: Bellows, A.R. (ed.) (2005): Focus on Agricultural Economics, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 153 – 168. U. S. A.
(ii) Yesufu, O. A. and T. K. Yesufu (2006): Organic Poverty and Gender Equilibrium Information for International Trade and Finance, In: Peltzer, L. (ed.) (2006): New Developments in Macroeconomics Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 101 - 121. U. S. A.
(iii) Yesufu, O. A. and T. K. Yesufu (2006): Impact of Water Resources Management on the Marketing and Production of Table Water in Nigeria, In: Krankhouse, C.L. (ed.): Economics of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 1 – 41. U. S. A.
(iv) Oke, J. T. O., O. A. Yesufu and A. S. Bamire (2011): Peri-Urban Farming Households Livelihood in Lagos State, Nigeria, In Adeyemo, R. (ed): Urban Agriculture, Cities and Climate Change, CuvillierVerLag Gottingen Publishers, pp 89 – 95. GERMANY
(v) Yesufu,O. A., Awoyefa, S. O. and Afere, O. O (2012): Economics of Palm oil Marketing in Ogun State, Nigeria, In Idowu, E. O., A. B. Ayanwale, A. S. Bamire and A. O. Adejobi (eds): Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference of Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists (NAAE), ObafemiAwolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, pp 747 – 759. NIGERIA
(vi) Yesufu,O. A., Awoyefa, S. O. and Sholademi A.P (2012): An Economic Analysis of Fresh Fish Marketing in Kaduna State, In Idowu, E. O., A. B. Ayanwale, A. S. Bamire and A. O. Adejobi (eds): Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference of Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists (NAAE), ObafemiAwolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, pp 811 – 819. NIGERIA
(vii) Adejobi, A. O., A. O. Olaore and O. A. Yesufu (2012): Determinants of Marketable Surplus of Maize Among Farmers in Osun State, Nigeria, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vol. 9, pp128-140. SWAZILAND.
(viii) Yesufu, O. A. and Ayanwale, A. B. (2013): Economic Analysis of Factors Affecting the Profitability of Broiler Processing in Southwestern Nigeria, Learning PublicsJournal of Agriculture and Environmental Studies, Vol. 3 (2), pp 1-19. U.S.A.
(ix) Yesufu, O. A. and Ayanwale, A. B. (2013): Analysis of the Operational and Pricing Efficiencies of the Broiler Processing Enterprises in Southwestern Nigeria, Learning PublicsJournal of Agriculture and Environmental Studies, Vol. 3 (3), pp 1-12. U.S.A.
(x) Yesufu, O. A.,Adejobi, A. O. Ekpo-Ufot, U. and Adeogun, O. I. (2014): Economics of Fresh Fish Marketing among Fish Farmers in Lagos State, Nigeria, Ife Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 27, pp 81-93