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Room 208, Department of Agricultural Economics, Obafemi Awolowo University.
Area(s) of Specialization
Resource and Environmental Economics
B. Agric. (Agric. Econs.), Ife; M. Sc. (Agric. Econs.), Ife; Ph.D. (Agric. Econs.), Ife.
(i) Ajobo, O., Tijani, A. A. and Akinola, A. A. (2004). Socio-Economic Variables in the Management of Farms: Ondo State, Nigeria. LASU Journal of Economics: 1 (2): 166-181, Nigeria.
(ii) Ajobo, O., Tijani, A. A. and Akinola, A. A. (2004). Pollution Externalities and Farm Enterprise Profitability in Agbara Industrial Estate, Ogun State, Nigeria.LASU Journal of Economics: 1 (2): 182-190, Nigeria.
(iii) Alimi, T; Ayanwale, A. B., Bamire, A. S. and Akinola, A. A (2006). Maize Grain Production in Nigeria: An OLS Analysis. The Nigerian Journal of Agricultural and Rural Management: 8 (1): 1-16, Nigeria.
(iv) Bamire, A. S., Olubode, O. O. and Akinola, A. A. (2005). Socio-economic Analysis of Smallholder Land Management Practices in Rice – Based Production Systems in Nigeria. Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development: 21 (1): 119-136, Uganda.
(v) Akinola, A. A; Alene, A. D. andAdeyemo, R. (2007) Determinants of Adoption of Balanced Nutrient Management Systems Technologies in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria: A Multinomial Logit Approach. International Journal of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development: 4 (2): 2011, Nigeria
(vi) Bamire, A. S., Akinola, A. A., Olubode-Awosola, O. O. and Oyewusi G. (2008). Comparative Economic Analysis of Crop-Livestock Integration among Smallholder Maize Farmers in the Derived Savanna Zone of Southwestern Nigeria.Ife Journal of Agriculture: 23 (1): 86-103, Nigeria.
(vii) Akinola, A. A. and AdeyemoR.(2008).Adoption and Productivity of Improved Rice Varieties in Osun State, Nigeria.Ife Journal of Agriculture: 23 (1): 104-116, Nigeria.
(vi) Akinola, A. A., Alene, A. D., Adeyemo, R., Sanogo, D. and Olanrewaju, A. S. (2009). Impact of Balanced Nutrient Management Systems Technologies in the Northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment: 7(2): 496-504,Finland
(ix) Akinola, A. A., Alene, A. D. Adeyemo, R., Sanogo, D. and Olanrewaju, A. S. (2009). Economic Impacts of Soil Fertility Management Research in West Africa.African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics: 3 (2): 159-175, South Africa
(x) Akinola, A. A; Alene, A. D., Adeyemo., R., Sanogo, D., Olanrewaju, A. S.,; Nwoke;, C and Nziguheba, G. (2010). Determinants of Adoption and Intensity of use of Balanced Nutrient Management Systems Technology in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria.Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture: 49 (1): 25-45, Germany
(xi) Adeyemo, R; Oke, J. T. O. and Akinola, A. A. (2010). Economic Efficiency of Small Scale Farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria.Tropicultura: 28 (2): 84-88, Belgium.
(xii) Akinola, A. A. and Eresama, P. C. (2010). Economics of Amaranthuscruentus Production under Tropical Conditions.International Journal of Vegetable Science: 16 (1): 32-43, U. S. A.
(xiii) Adeyemo, R. and Akinola A. (2010) “Productivity of Cassava, Yam and Maize under Tropical Conditions”. International Journal of Vegetable Science: 16 (2): 118-127, U. S. A.
(xiv) Akinola, A. A., Adeyemo, R. and Alene A. D. (2010). Adoption of Land Enhancing Technologies in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria.The Indian Journal of Economics: No. 359, Part-IV, Vol.XC, ISSN 0019-5170: 1303-1321. India
(xv) Ayanwale, A. B., Akinola, A. A., Adekunle, A. A., Emechebe, A., Abdoulahi, T. and Adeyemo V. A. (2011) “Ex-Ante Evaluation of the Economic Impact of Adoption of the IAR4D Concept in the KKM PLS of the SSA CP: The Case of Maize in the Sudan Savanna Taskforce” Learning Publics Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Studies: 2 (1): 161- 179. Ghana
(xvi) Tijani, A. A., Akinola A. A. and Sofoluwe N. A. (2011). Analysis of Profitability of Synthetic and Naturally Occurring Pesticides in Solaneciobiafrraeroduction.International Journal of Vegetable Science.17 (2): 137-143, U. S. A.
(xvii) Akinola, A. A. and Sofoluwe, N. A. (2011). Economics of Bush Burning Practice among Yam Farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria.Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development: 8:78 – 86, Swaziland.
(xviii) Akinola,A. A. and Sofoluwe, N. A. (2012). Impact of Mulching Technology Adoption on Output and Net Return to Yam Farmers in Osun State, Nigeria. Agrekon: 51 (2): 75-92, South Africa.
*(xix) Owombo, P. T., Akinola, A. A., Ayodele, O. O. and Koledoye, G. F (2012). Economic Impact of Agricultural Mechanization Adoption: Evidence from Maize Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Biodiversity Research: 1 (2): 25-32, U.S.A.
* (xx) Akinola, A. and Owombo P. (2012). Economic Analysis of Adoption of Mulching Technology in Yam Production in Osun State, Nigeria.International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: 2 (1): 1-6, Slovenia
*(xxi) Ayodele, O. O., Akinola, A. A. and Owombo P.T. (2012).Economic Efficiency of Land Improvement Techniques among Cassava Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria.Online Journal of Social Sciences Research: 1 (5); 154-159., U.K
* (xxii) Mignouna, D. B., Manyong, V. M., Mutabazi, K.D.S., Senkondo, E. M., Madulu, R.B., Labintan, C.A. and Akinola, A.A. (2012). Economic Analysis of Imazapyr-resistant Maize Technology for Small Farm Households in Western Kenya.Eastern and Southern Africa Journal of Agricultural Economics &Development : 9: 572-580,, New York, U. S. A.
* (xxiii) Ayanwale, A. B., Adekunle, A. A., Akinola, A. A. and Adeyemo V. A. (2013). Economic Impacts of Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) in the Sudan Savanna of Nigeria.African Development Review: 25 (1): 30-41, Kenya
* (xxiv) Akinola, A. A. andAdeyemo R. (2013). Effects of Property Rights on Agricultural Production: The Nigerian Experience. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics: 5 (10): 382-389,, New York, U. S. A.
*(xxv) Akinola, A. A., Ikudayisi, J. O, and Ayedun, B. (2013). Property Rights and Adoption of Land Management Practices in Ekiti State, Nigeria.International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 4 (3): 217-223, DOI: 10.5923/j.ijaf.20140403.12, California, U. S. A
* (xxvi) Owombo, P.T, Akinola, A. A., Koledoye, G. F, Deji, O. F, Ayodele, O. O. (2013). Assessment of Potential Profitability of Amaranth Vegetable Production under Different Fertility Restoring Technologies in Ondo State, Nigeria. Spanish journal of rural development: 4 (2): 67-74, 1-8, Spain
(xxvii) Ayanwale, A. B., Adekunle A. A., Akinola, A. A. and Adeyemo, V. A. (2013). Analysis of the Potential Effects of Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) Concept in Uganda.Ife Journal of the Humanities and Social Studies: 1 (2), 1-18.
(xxviii) Akinola, A. A., Maziya-Dixon, B. Ayedun B.and Abdoulaye T. (2014). Economics of Maize, Soybean and Cowpea Processing in the Northern Regions of Ghana.Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 12 (2): 252-258, Finland
(xxix) Ayanwale, A. B., Abdoulaye, T., Kamara, A. Y., Adekunle, A., Fatunbi, O., B., Ayedun, B.andAkinola, A. (2014). Determinants of Adoption of Agricultural Innovation and Profitability of Cereals and Legumes in Sudan Savanna of Nigeria (2014)”.Ife Journal of Agriculture, 12, 95-110, Nigeria
(xxx) Akinola, A. A., Ayedun, B., Abubakar, M., Sheu, M., and Abdoulaye, T.
(2015). Crop Residue Usage and its Determinants in Kano State, Nigeria.Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics.7 (4), 162 – 173, New York, U. S. A.
(xxxi) Akinola, A. A., Baruwa, O. I., Ayodele, O. O., Owombo, P. T. (2015). Impact of Land Management Practices on Crop Production and Household Income of Farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria.Spanish journal of rural development: VI (1-2): 1-8, Spain
*(xxxii)Mignouna, D. B., Abdoulaye, T., Akinola, A. A. Alene, A. and Nweke F. (2015). Factors influencing the use of selected inputs in yam production in Nigeria and Ghana. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics: 116 (2), 131–142, Germany.
*(xxxiii)Owombo, P. T., Akinola A. A. and Akinboade P. G. (2015). Economic Analysis of Fish Production in Oyo State, Nigeria: Humboldt International Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Development. 1 (1), 110-118l, Germany.
*(xxxiv)Akinola, A. A., Abdoulaye T., Valbuena D., Erenstein O., Haileslasie, A., Germaine, I., Shehu, M. and Ayedun, B. (2016). Determinants of Crop Residue Use along an Intensification Gradient in West Africa's Savannah Zones: Tropicultura: 34 (4), 396-410, Germany.
*(xxxv)Mignouna, D. B., Abdoulaye, T., Akinola A. A. Kamara, A. Y. and Oluoch, M. (2016). Understanding Market Participation Choices and Decisions of Maize and Cowpea Farmers in Northern Nigeria.Tropicultura: 34 (1), 26-39, Germany
*(xxxvi)Owombo, P. T., Oaikhena, F., Idumah, F. O., Akinola, A. A. and Oladipupo, A. (2015). Does Land Tenure Security Matter for Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Technology? Evidence from Agroforestry in Nigeria.Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa: 17 (6), 65-72, U. S. A.
*(xxxvii)Ayedun, B., Okpachu, G., Abdoulaye, T., Manyong, V., Bandyopadhyay, R., Atehnkeng, J., Akinola, A. A. and Abu G. A. (2017). An Assessment of Willingness To Pay by Maize and Groundnut Farmers for Aflatoxin Biocontrol Product in Northern Nigeria. Journal of Food Protection: 80 (9):1451-1460, U. S. A.