Welcome to the official website of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

Prof. A. B. Ayanwale

Phone Number
+234 803 4262584

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Area(s) of Specialization
Agricultural Production Economics; Farm Business Management, Development Economics.

Ph.D (AgricEcons);
M.Phil (Agric. Econs);
MBA; MIMN (Chartered)



Thesis and Dissertations:

1. “Savings mobilization among rural households: Case Study of Kajola Local Government of Oyo State.” an M.Phil thesis Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Ife, Ile-Ife, 1986;

2. “Economics of Cassava Production in Oyo North Area of Oyo State, Nigeria: Ph .D thesis submitted to the Department of Agricultural Economics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 1990;

3. Factor Analysis of Nigeria’s Cocoa Export Trade: M.B.A thesis submitted to the Department of Management and Accounting, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 1997.


1. Ayanwale, A.B. (2002): Family Investment in the Education of Children and Adolescents in the Rural Areas of Osun State, Nigeria. Issues in African Rural Development Monograph Series. African Rural Policy Analysis Network/Winrock. 2000. Monograph # 21 p. 32;

2. Ayanwale, A. B. (2007): FDI and Economic growth: Evidence from Nigeria. AERC Research Paper 165. April 2007;

3. Ayanwale, A. B. (2011): Policy Distortions and Agricultural Output in Nigeria 1961- 2006. Final Report submitted to the AERC. February 2011;

4. Ayanwale, Adeolu Babatunde; AbdoulayeTahirou; AdunniSanni; DamisaMaiyaki; Alpha Y. Kamara; AdewaleAdekunle; Oluwolefatunbi; AyedunBamikole and Akinola Adebayo 2011. Baseline Study of the Sudan Savanna Zone of the Kano-Katsina-Maradi (KKM) Project Learning Site (PLS) of the sub-Saharan Africa –Challenge Program (SSA-CP) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 83pp;

5. Adekunle, A.A.; A.O.Fatunbi; A.B.Ayanwale; L.O.Olarinde; O.Oladunni; S.Nokoe; J.N.Binam; A.Y.Kamara; K.N.Maman;C.Dagbenon; and A. Emechebe 2013. Unlocking the Potentials for Integrated Agricultural Research for Development in the Savannah of West Africa. Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). Accra. Ghana. May 2013. 39p;

6. Adekunle, A.A.; A.O.Fatunbi; A.B.Ayanwale; I.O.Olarinde; O.Oladunni; N. Mango; K. Nyikahadzoi; S. Siziba; S. Nokoe; and J. Baidu-Forson 2013. Exploring the Potentials for Integrated Agricultural Research for Development in Southern Africa. Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). Accra. Ghana. May 2013. 43p;

7. Adekunle, A.A.; A.O.Fatunbi; A.B.Ayanwale; I.O.Olarinde; O.Oladunni; J.B.Oduol; P.Pali; M.Tenywa;J.O.Mugabo;J.M.Mugabe; C. Wanjiku; and R.Buruchara 2013. Unlocking the Potentials for Integrated Agricultural Research for Development in the Highlands of East and Central Africa. Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). Accra. Ghana. May 2013. 45p;

8. Adekunle, A.A.; A.B.Ayanwale; A.O.Fatunbi; L.O.Olarinde; A.Agumya; F.Kwesiga; and M.P.Jones 2013. Maximising Impacts from Agricultural Research: Integrated Agricultural Research for Development. Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). Accra. Ghana. May 2013. 84p.

Edited Books:

1. Simi Afonja , Adelekan, A.; A.B. Ayanwale and T. Alimi (2001) eds: Research and Policy Directions on Poverty in Nigeria. Proceedings of National Conference organized by the Center for Gender and Social Policy Studies. Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. OAU Press. December 2001. 77p;

2. Idowu, E. O.; Ayanwale A. B.; and Bamire A.S (2012): “Nigeria Agricultural Transformation Agenda: the Policy Mix” Proceedings of the Annual National Conference of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists. Fourmix Press Ltd. 89p.

3.Ayanwale A.B, Fatunbi A.O and Ojo M (2016). Innovation Opportunities in Plantain Production in Nigeria. Guide Book 1. Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Accra Ghana

Journal Articles
1. Ayanwale, A.B.; A.A. Adekunle; A.A.Akinola and V. A. Adeyemo (2013): Economic Impacts of Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) in the Sudan Savanna of Nigeria. African Development Review 25(1):30-41;

2. Ayanwale, Adeolu B.; Adewale, A. Adekunle; Akinola, A. Adebayo; Victoria, A. Adeyemo (2013) Analysis of the Potential Effects of Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) Concept in Uganda. Ife Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences. 1(2). 2013. P.1-18;

3. Ayanwale, A.B.; T. Abdoulaye, A.Y. Kamara; A. Adekunle; O.Fatunbi; B. Ayedun and A. Akinola (2014). Determinants of Adoption of Agricultural Innovations and Profitability of Cereals and Legumes in the Sudan Savanna of Nigeria. Ife Journal of Agriculture. Vol. 27. 2014 pp. 95-110;

4. Ayanwale, Adeolu B and ChristianahAmusan (2014). Livelihood Strategies of Female Indigenous Vegetable Farmers in Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science. 6(10) 96-107. www.ccsenet.org/jas;

5. Ayanwale, Adeolu B., ChristianahA.Amusan, Victoria A. Adeyemo and Durodoluwa J. Oyedele (2016) Analysis of Household Demand for Underutilised Indigenous Vegetables. International Journal of Vegetable Science DOI: 10.1080/19315260.2015.1103350. Taylor &Francis Group. p.1-8;

6.Ayanwale, A., A. Adekunle; O.A. Fatunbi; L.Olarinde and C.Adelekun (2017) Membership to Innovation Platforms and Gender in Ownership of productive assets in the Savannas of West Africa. African Crop Science Journal. Vol.25 Issue supplement s1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/acsj.v25i1.3S p.59-70

7.Olarinde, L; J. Binam; A. O. Fatunbi; A. Diagne; A. Adekunle and A. Ayanwale (2017). Participatory research demonstration and its impact on the Adoption of improved agricultural technologies in the Savannas of West Africa. African Crop Science Journal. Vol.25 Issue supplement s1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/acsj.v25i1.3S p.21-41

Published Edited Conference Proceedings
1. Adeolu B. Ayanwale and Victoria A. Adeyemo (2011) Gender and Urban Agriculture: The case of Vegetable marketing in Lagos State of Nigeria. In Adeyemo, R.(eds.) Urban Agriculture Cities and Climate Change. CurvillierVerlag, Gottingen. Germany;

2. Adeolu B. Ayanwale, D.J.Oyedele, O.C. Adebooye and V.A. Adeyemo(2011) A Socio-Economic Analysis of the Marketing Chain for Under-Utilised Indigenous Vegetables in South Western Nigeria. African Crop Society Conference Proceedings. Vol. 10: 515-519. Uganda;

3. Adeolu B. Ayanwale and Christianah A. Amusan (2012) Gendered Analysis of Rice Production Efficiency in Osun State: Implication for the Transformation Agenda. Proceedings of the 2012 annual conference of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists. Idowu E.O. et al. (eds.).