Welcome to the official website of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

Prof. R. Adeyemo

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Office Address
RM 302, Department of Agricultural Economics.

Area(s) of Specialization
Agricultural Finance, Cooperative management and Agribusiness

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.


Ogunleye A, R Adeyemo, S Binuomote and T. Ojo (2013). Gender Analysis of Maize Production among Small Scale Farmers in Ife East and Aiyedade Local Government Areas of Osun Sate. Ife Journal of Agriculture, 27, 41- 48.

Ogunleye A. R. Adeyemo, ABamire, S Binuomote (2013).lmpact of Migration on Agricultural Productivity in Osun State, Nigeria. Elixir Agricultural Journal, 64, 18766 – 18770.

Akinola A. and Adeyemo R. (2013). Effects of Property Rights on Agricultural Production: The Nigerian Experience. International Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 5 (10) 382-389.

Ogunleye S, R. Adeyemo, A.Bamire and S Binuomote (2014). Cassava Production and Technical Efficiency in Aiyedade Local Government Areas of Osun State, Nigeria, Elixir Agricultural Journal, 71, 24465 – 24468.

Oke J, R. Adeyemo, O Adesiyan andO Fadare (2014). Factors Affecting Saving and Investment Decisions among Maize Farmers in Ekiti State, Ife Journal of Agriculture, 27, 49 – 60.

Ogunleye A S, Adeyemo R, and Ajekiigbe N A. (2014). Effects of Land Tenure and Gender on Family Income and Poverty Status Among Maize Farm Households in Osun State, Nigeria, International Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 3, 42 – 50

Adeogun, S, Alimi T and Adeyemo R. (2014). Comparative Analysis of Profitability and Technical Efficiency of Fish Farming Using Different Rearing Technologies in Nigeria. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology, 3(5) 405 – 418.

Adeyemo R, Akinola, Oke J and Oyedele D (2015). Farmers Adaptation to Climate Changes in the Production of Leafy Vegetables in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Biodiversity Research, 4 (3) 37 – 43.

Ogunleye A S, R. Adeyemo and N. A. Ajekiigbe (2015). Tenure Security among Women Farmers: Implications for Agricultural Productivity and Farm Income in Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 8(6) 53-57.

Adeyemo R, Oke J T Owombo P and Lanlokun (2015). Economic Efficiency of Shea butter Production in Oyo State, Nigeria, International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 18 (1) 2017 – 2023.

Adeyemo R, Kirk M, Ogunleye A. (2015). Women Access to Land: The Compatibility of Property Rights on the Farming Activities of Women in Rice Producing Areas of Osun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 2 (10) 34 – 42.

Kehinde A, Adeyemo R, Amujoyegbe B, Bamire A and ldrissou L (2016). Gender Differentials and Fertilizer Adoption among Small Holder Farmers in Cocoa Based Farming System of Southwestern, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research, 4 (12) 276 – 281.

Kehinde A and Adeyemo R (2017). A Probit Analysis of Factors Affecting Improved Technologies Dis-adoption in Cocoa Based Farming Systems of Southwestern Nigeria, International Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2(2) 35 – 41.

Adeyemo R, Ogunleye A, Kehinde A and Ayodele O (2017). Urban Agriculture (UA) and its Effects on Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of Vegetable Farming in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 1(3) 68 – 73.

Adeyemo R, Oke J.T O, Ogunleye A S. Kehinde A D. and Ewemade. B O. (2017). Analysis of Demand for Selected Agrochemical Inputs among Oil Palm Farmers in Edo State, Nigeria. Ife Journal of Agriculture, 29 (1) 43 – 51.

Ogunleye A S, Adeyemo R, Bamire A S, and Kehinde A D. (2017). Assessment of Profitability and Efficiency of Cassava Production among Government and Nongovernment Assisted Farmers Association in Osun State, Nigeria. African Journal of Rural Development, 2(2) 225 – 233.