Welcome to the official website of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

Prof. Bamire

Phone Number
+234 803 389 8900

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Office Address
Department of Agricultural Economics, OAU.

Area(s) of Specialization
Resource Economics
Research Areas :
(i) Agricultural land investments and sustainable water use in West Africa
(ii) Gender differentials and water management in the forest and savanna agroecological zones of Nigeria
(iii) Comparative analysis of resource use efficiency among households in rural, peri-urban and urban areas in southwestern Nigeria
(iv) Impact of large-scale land acquisitions on poverty reduction and food security in West Africa
(v) Agricultural policies and technology adoption: impact on food security and poverty reduction in Nigeria
(vi) Climate change: Effects of land degradation and desertification in Nigeria.

PhD. (Agricultural Economics)


Ogunya, L. O., A. S. Bamire, S. A. Ogunleye (2017). Factors Influencing Levels and Intensity of Adoption of New Rice for Africa (NERICA) among Rice Farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2(3): 84-89.

(ii) Ogunleye, A. S., R. Adeyemo, A. S. Bamire and A. D. Kehinde (2017). Assessment of Profitability and Efficiency of Cassava Production among Government and Non-Government Assisted Farmers Association in Osun State, Nigeria. African Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 2(3): July - September 2017.

(iii)Amujoyegbe, B. J., Bamire, A. S.,Kehinde, A. D. and O. Fatunbi (2016). Analysis of Agrochemical Usage among Cocoa Farmers in the Innovation Platform of the Humidtropics Programme in Southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences, ISSN:2348-8069, Vol. 3(11).

(iv) Gaya, H. I., A. Tegbaru, A. S. Bamire, T. Abdoulaye and A. D. Kehinde (2016). Gender differentials and adoption of Drought Tolerant Maize Varieties among farmers in Northern Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, ISSN (Paper) 2222-1905 ISSN (Online) 2222-2839.

(v) Adesiyan, O. F., Adesiyan, A. T., Bamire, A. S., Coulibaly, O. and R. Asiedu (2015). Effects of Policies on Yam Production and Consumption in Nigeria, Agribusiness, 32(3):363-378.

(vi) Adeyemo, F. S., Ilori, M. O., and A. S. Bamire (2015). Assessment of Research and Development Results’ Transfer and Commercialisation in Research Institutes in Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Industrial Research & Technology, 4(1):35-52, Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO), Lagos, Nigeria.

(vii) Akinbode, W. O. and A. S. Bamire (2015). Discontinued Use Decision of Improved Maize Varieties in Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 7(3):85-91.

(viii) Akinbode, W. O. and A. S. Bamire (2015). Determinants of adoption of improved maize varieties in Osun State, Nigeria, Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 7(3): 65-72.

(ix) Ogunleye, A. S., R. Adeyemo, A. S. Bamire and S. O. Binuomote (2013). “Impacts of Migration on Agricultural Productivity in Osun State, Nigeria”. Elixir International Journal of Agriculture, India. 64: 18766-18770.

(x) Ogunleye, A. S., R. Adeyemo, S. O. Binuomote, A. S. Bamire and M. C. Ogunleye (2013) Tenure Security and Agricultural Productivity: Implications for Economic Empowerment Strategies among Women Farmers in Osun State, Nigeria”. International Journal for Development and Sustainability, Japan.

(xi) Bamire, A.S., Abdoulaye, T. and D. Sanogo (2012). “Determinants of Improved Maize adoption in Nigeria: Are they the same for Poor and Well Endowed Households?” Ife Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 25: 83-100.

(xii) Bamire, A. S., Abaidoo, R., Jemo, N., T. Abdoulaye, A.A. Yusuf and C. Nwoke (2012). Profitability Analysis of Commercial Chemical and BiologicalCrop products among Farm Households in Agro-ecological Zones of West Africa, African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 7(23): 3385-3394.

(xiii) Farinde, A. J., Bamire, A. S., S. A. Adesoji (2011). Transition from subsistence to market-oriented agriculture: Analysis of sociological and economic issues. In Rural Agricultural and Environmental Sociology in Nigeria. Samson, F. Adedoyin (eds). The Nigerian Rural Sociological Association. Pp. 480-514.

(xiv) Adeyemi, A. A., Bamire, A. S., Adekunmi, A. O. and I. O. Oladosu (2011). Comparative analysis of resource use efficiency of Fadama II project food crop beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries in Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Rural Research and Information, 6(2): 12-35.

(xv) Adeyemi, A. A., Bamire, A. S., A. O. Adekunmi (2011). Resource use efficiency of Fadama food crop farmers in Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Rural Research and Information, 6(2): 80-92.

(xvi) Bamire, A. S., Abdoulaye, T., P. Amaza, A. Tegbaru, A. D. Alene and A. Y. Kamara (2010). Impact of promoting sustainable agriculture in Borno (PROSAB) program on adoption of improved crop varieties in Borno State of Nigeria, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.8 (3&4): 391 - 398.

(xvii) Bamire, A.S.; Akinola, A.A.; Olubode-Awosola, O.O. and G. Oyewusi (2008). Economic analysis of crop-livestock production among smallholder farmers in the dry savanna of Nigeria, Ife Journal of Agriculture, 23(1):86-103

(xviii) Bamire, A.S. and O.F. Deji (2007). Implications of land tenure and gender differentials on profitability of maize production in Nigeria, Journal of Agricultural Management and Rural Development, Nigeria. ISSN 1595-7715, 4: 137-157

(xix) Alimi, T., S.B. Williams, A.S. Bamire and A. O. Akinrin (2007). Characteristics and trends in production and market potential of certified maize seeds in Nigeria. Lesotho Journal of Agricultural Sciences, l (1): 32-55

(xx) Ayanwale, A. B.; A. S. Bamire and T. Alimi (2006). Poverty reduction gender equality and micro-credit administration in Nigeria: the case of the farmers’ development union. Ghana Journal of Development Studies, 3(1):1-15

(xxi) Alimi, T., A. B. Ayanwale; A.S. Bamire and H.M. Bello (2006): Contributions of children towards household poverty alleviation: A gender comparison. International Journal of Applied Agricultural and Apicultural Research (IJAAR), Nigeria. 3(1&2): 96-107

(xxii)Alimi T., A.B. Ayanwale, A.S. Bamire and A.A. Akinola (2006).Maize grain production trends in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agricultural and Rural Management, Nigeria. 8(1): 1-16

(xxiii) Awotide, D.O., Rahji, M.A.Y., O.A. Adejobi and A.S. Bamire (2005). Technical efficiency and management factors in plantain production in humid forest zone of Nigeria – A simulation study. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 8(2): 238-245

(xxiv) Alimi, T; Bamire, A.S. and Ayanwale, A.B. (2005). Socio-economic consequences of technical change in palm fruits processing, South African Journal of Economics and Management Sciences (SAJEMS). 8(3): 310-325

(xxv) Bamire, A.S., O.O.Olubode and A.A. Akinola (2005). Socioeconomic Analysis of Smallholder Land Management Practices in Rice-based Production Systems in Nigeria, Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development, December: 21(1), 84-95

(xxvi) Bamire, A.S. and A.O. Ola (2004). Determinants of poultry manure use in smallholderland management decisions in the rain forest zone of Osun State, Nigeria The Ogun Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Nigeria, 3(1): 1-12

(xxvii) Bamire, A.S. and B.J. Amujoyegbe (2004). Economics of poultry manure utilization in land quality improvement among integrated poultry-maize farmers in southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Agric., 23 (3): 21-37

(xxviii)Bamire, A.S., Alimi, T. and Ayanwale, A.B. (2004). Economic efficiency of land improvement techniques among cassava farmers in the wetlands of Nigeria, Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development (EAJRD), 20 (1): 45-56

(xxix) Ayanwale, A.B. and A.S. Bamire (2004). “Direct foreign investment and firm-level productivity in the Nigerian agro/agro-allied sector, Journal of Social Sciences, 9(3): 29-36

(xxx) Bamire, A.S. and B.J. Amujoyegbe (2004). “Economic analysis of land improvement techniques in smallholder yam-based production systems in the agroecological zones of southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Human Ecology, 18 (1):1-12

(xxxi) Adeyemo, R. and A.S. Bamire (2004) “Saving and investment patterns of cooperative farmers in southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Social Sciences. 2, 3, 2005, p. 113 - 192

(xxxii) Bamire, A.S. and V.M. Manyong (2003). Profitability of intensification technologies among smallholder maize farmers in the forest-savanna transition zone of Nigeria. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 100: 111-118

(xxxiii) Bamire, A.S. and. J.T.O. Oke (2003) Profitability of vegetable farming under rainy- and dry-season production in southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Vegetable Crop Production, 9(2): 11-18

(xxxiv) Bamire, A.S., Y.L. Fabiyi and V.M. Manyong (2002) “Adoption Patterns of Fertilizer among Small-Scale Farmers in Two Ecologies of Southwest Nigeria: A Tobit Analysis”. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53:901-910

(xxxv) Bamire, A.S., Fabiyi, Y.L. (2002). Economic Implications of property rights on smallholder use of fertilizer in southwest Nigeria. Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives. 2001/2 p. 86-92

(xxxvi) Bamire, A.S. and A.B. Ayanwale (2000). “Improving Household Food Security under the Prevailing Land Tenure Systems in Osun State of Nigeria”. African Scientist, Vol. 1, No.3: 183-188

(xxxvii) Ayanwale, A.B. and A.S. Bamire (2000). Rural Income, Savings and Investment Behaviour among Farmers in Osun State of Nigeria. The Indian Journal of Economics. Vol. LXXXI (320)

(xxxviii) Bamire, A.S. (1999). “Socio-economic Determinants of Soil Conservation Practices in Nigeria”. Indian Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 27 (3): 246-253

(xxxix) Ajobo, O.; A.S. Bamire and A.A. Tijani (1998) “Determinants of Managerial Capability in Smallholder Cocoa Agriculture in Southwestern Nigeria”. Nigerian Journal of Tree Crop Research (CRIN), 2(2): 1-8

(xl) Bamire, A.S. and O.I. Oludimu (1997) "Classifying Smallholder Farmers for Improved Production: A Nigerian Case Study on Farmers' Risk Attitudes". African Journal of Institutions and Development (AJID). 3 (1 & 2): 85-92

(xli) Oguntade, A.E. and A.S. Bamire (1996). “Consumption Trend of Modern Dairy Products and Projections of Dairy Cattle Requirements in Nigeria”. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 23 (1): 85-90

(xlii) Bamire, A.S. and A.B. Ayanwale (1996): “Costs and Returns in Alternative Poultry Keeping Systems in Southern Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis”, The Indian Journal of Economics, Vol. LXXVI, 47-59

(xliii) Ayanwale, A.B. and A.S. Bamire (1995): “The Role of Education in Improving Farm Income in Osun State of Nigeria”. Ife Psychologia, 3(2):101-124.

(xliv) Ajobo, O.; A.A. Tijani and A.S. Bamire (1995). Analysis of Nigeria's Cocoa Agriculture: Time Series. Nigerian Journal of Tree Crop Research (CRIN). Ibadan, Nigeria. 1(2): 62-76

(xlv) Bamire, A.S. and Oguntade, A.E. (1994): Effect of Risk Attitudes on Farm Profitability among Arable Crop Farmers: A Case Study. The Indian Journal of Economics, Vol. LXXIV, p 531-542.