Welcome to the official website of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

Dr. O. Oluwasola

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Email Address
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Office Address
Room 314, Department of Agricultural Economics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife

Area(s) of Specialization
Agricultural Development and policy Analysis; and, Environmental Resource Economics

(a). B.Sc. (Social Sciences)
(b). M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics)
(c). Ph.D. (Agricultural Economics)


i. Oluwasola, O. (1996)"Selecting an Optimal Farm Enterprise Combination in Traditional Agroforestry Systems Using Portfolio Model Analysis." Agrosearch. A Journal of Agriculture, Food and Development., 2 (1& 2): 67-79. (Nigeria)

ii. Osuntogun, A. and O. Oluwasola (1997)"The International Debt Crisis and its Likely impact on Health, Environment and Development: The African Perspective." In Gurinder S. Shahi et.al.(eds.) International Perspectives on Environment, Development and Health: Toward a Sustainable World. pp 273 - 282. Springer Publishing Company, New York, (U.S.A).

iii. Oluwasola, O. (1997)"Economics of Traditional Agroforestry Systems: A Case Study of Ondo State, Nigeria." Journal of Applied Tropical Agriculture, 2 (1): 26-30. (Nigeria).

iv. Oluwasola, O.(1998)"Women in Agriculture in Nigeria" in Sesay A. and A.I. Odebiyi (eds.)Women in Society and Development. pp 59 - 72. Dokun Publishing House, Ibadan, Nigeria.

v. Oluwasola, O. (1999) “Implications of Peasant Agricultural Practices for Environmental Resources, Food Security and Agriculturally Sustainable Development in Nigeria”. Refereed Conference Proceedings of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists (NAAE) pp 197 - 206.(Nigeria).

vi. Abumere, S.I. and O. Oluwasola (2001) “Food Supply to Ibadan: A Study of Rural-Urban Linkages”. Development Policy Centre, Research Report No. 29, 52p. (Nigeria).

vii. Falusi, A. and O. Oluwasola (2001) “Promoting an Integrated and Sustainable Rural Development in Nigeria”. In Abumere, S.I. and A. Soyibo (eds.) Development Policy and Analysis. Pp 115 - 138. Dabis Printers, Ibadan. (Nigeria).

viii. Oluwasola, O. (2001) The City Consultation method of the Urban Management Programme (UMP) as a Policy Strategy for Urban Poverty Reduction: The Case of the Poverty Reduction Programme in Ijebu-Ode UN Vision Project on Global Public Policy Networks. The Brookings Institute, Washington DC. U.S.A

ix. Abumere, S.I., Okafor S.I. and O. Oluwasola (2002) “Rural Development and the Development Process in Rural Nigeria”. Development Policy Centre, Research Report No. 36, 57p.(Nigeria).

x. Oluwasola, O.(2003) “Rural Development in Nigeria: Too Many Programmes, Too Little Results”, In Aiyede, E.R.; B. Alayande and A. Mabawonku (eds.) Readings in Development Policy and Capacity Building in Nigeria. pp 345-363, 2003. Daily Graphic Publishers, Ibadan, Nigeria.

xi. Alimi, T, Oluwasola, O. and A.O. Adejobi (2006) “Optimal Farm Size for Achieving Enterprise Objective in Poultry Meat Production in Osun State, Nigeria.” World’s Poultry Science Journal, 62 (3): 525 – 539, September, 2006. (Netherlands).

xii. Idowu E.O., Osuntogun, D.A. and O. Oluwasola (2007) “Effects of Market Deregulation on Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Production in Southwest Nigeria.” African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2(9): 429-434 (Uganda).

xiii. Oluwasola, O. and T. Alimi (2007) “Financial Intermediation in Agriculture in Nigeria: Emerging Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)” Agrosearch. A Journal of Agriculture, Food and Development, 9 (1&2): 43 - 51 (Nigeria).

xiv. Bamire, A.S., Oluwasola, O.. and A.T. Adesiyan (2007) ”Landuse and Socioeconomic Determinants of Technical Efficiency of Rice Farms in Osun State, Nigeria.” In Haruna, U., Jubril, S.A., Mancha, Y.P. and M. Nabru (eds.) Consolidation of Growth and Development of Agricultural Sector. Refereed Conference Proceedings of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists (NAAE) pp 27 - 35. (Nigeria).

xv. Oluwasola O., Idowu, E.O. and D.A. Osuntogun (2008) “ Increasing Agricultural Household Incomes through Rural-Urban Linkages in Nigeria” African Journal of Agricultural Research, 3(8): 566 – 573, August, (Uganda).

xvi. Oluwasola, O. and T. Alimi (2008) “Determinants of Agricultural Credit Demand and Supply among Small scale Farmers in Nigeria” Outlook on Agriculture, 37(3): 185 – 193.September, (United Kingdom).

xvii. Oluwasola, O. and S.R.A. Adewusi (2008) “Food Security in Nigeria: The Way Forward” in Adebooye, C.O., Taiwo, K.A. and A.A. Fatufe (eds.) Food, Health and Environmental Issues in Developing Countries: The Nigerian Situation, pp 448 – 470. Cuvillier Verlag, Gottingen, (Germany).

xviii. Ayanwale A.B. and O. Oluwasola (2009) “Socio-economic Factors Determining Upland Rice Production in Small Holder Agriculture in Osun State, Nigeria”. Ife Journal of Agriculture, 24:79-96. (Nigeria)

xix. Adejobi, A.O., Alimi, T. and O. Oluwasola (2009) “Demand Elasticities for the Poor and Non-Poor Households in Rural Nigeria: An Application of LA-AIDS Model". Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment (NJAFE) 5(1):44 – 51. (Nigeria).

xx. Adewusi, S.R.A, Ilori, M.O. and O. Oluwasola (2009) “Climate change and the maximization of Nigeria’s food resources” in Adebooye, C.O., Taiwo, K.A. and A.A. Fatufe (eds.) Biotechnology Development and threat of Climate Change in Africa: The Case of Nigeria, Vol. 2 pp 177 – 188. Cuvillier Verlag, Gottingen, (Germany).

xxi. Oluwasola, O. (2010) “Stimulating Rural Employment and Income for Cassava (Manihot sp.) Processing farming households in Oyo State, Nigeria Through Policy Initiatives”. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 2(2): 018 – 025 February. (Kenya).

xxii. Kassali, R., Kareem, R.O., Oluwasola, O. and O.M. Ohaegbulam (2010)"Analysis of Demand for Rice in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria". Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. 12(2): 63 – 77 (U.S.A).

xxiii. Oluwasola, O., Kassali, R. and C.A. Amusan (2012)”Factors enhancing investment and farm capitalization in smallholder agriculture in Nigeria: Policy implications for transforming the agricultural sector”. International Journal of AgriScience, 2(3): 265 - 279. (Germany).

xxiv. Oluwasola, O. (2011) “Peri-urban farming in Ibadan metropolis” in R. Adeyemo (ed) Urban Agriculture, Cities and Climate Change, pp 96 - 103. Cuvillier Verlag, Gottingen, (Germany).

xxv. Oluwasola, O., Oke, I.A., El-ladan, I. and S.R.A. Adewusi (2011) “Effect of Climate Change on Food Output and Prices in Nigeria”. in R. Adeyemo (ed) Urban Agriculture, Cities and Climate Change, pp 281 - 289. Cuvillier Verlag, Gottingen, (Germany).

xxvi. Oluwasola, O. (2012) “Integrating smallholder food crop farmers into the national policy for commercialization and large scale agriculture in Nigeria: A case study of Ekiti State”. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 2(5): 247-256 (U.S.A). http:// DOI: 10.5923/j.ijaf.20120205.08

xxvii Falade, O.S., Otemuyiwa, I., Oluwasola, O., Oladipo, W. and S. A. Adewusi (2012) “ School Feeding Programme in Nigeria: The Nutritional Status of Pupils in a Public Primary School in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria”. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 3, 596-605 (U.S.A). http://doi:10.4236/fns.2012.35082

xxviii Oluwasola, O., Ajani R.O. and O.J. Utuetu (2012) “Effects of Petroleum Pricing Policy on Food Shipments and Incomes to Urban Markets in Osun State, Nigeria” In Idowu, E.O., Ayanwale, A.B., Bamire, A.S. and A.O. Adejobi (eds.) Agriculture in the National Transformation Agenda: The Policy Mix. Refereed Conference Proceedings of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists (NAAE) pp811 – 819 (Nigeria)

xxix. Ajani, R.O., Oluwasola, O. and Y.E. Kotoye (2012) “Analysis of Palm Fruit Processing among Rural Farming Households in Osun State” In Idowu, E.O., Ayanwale, A.B., Bamire, A.S. and A.O. Adejobi (eds.) Agriculture in the National Transformation Agenda: The Policy Mix.Refereed Conference Proceedings of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists (NAAE) pp 847 – 854 (Nigeria).

xxx. Oluwasola, O. and D. Ajayi (2013) “Socio-economic and policy issues determining sustainable fish farming in Nigeria” International Journal of Livestock Production 4(1): 1 – 8. (Egypt).http:// DOI: 10.5897/IJLP12.013
xxxi. Ajani, R.O. and O. Oluwasola (2014) "Appraisal of Upland Rice Production in Southwestern Nigeria: A Policy Analysis Matrix Approach” International Journal of AgriScience, 4(83): 399 - 408 (Germany).

xxxii. Ajani R.O., Oluwasola, O. and A.T. Adesiyan (2014) “ Responsiveness of Rice Production to the use of inputs among smallholder upland rice farmers in Southwestern Nigeria” Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 16(7):105 - 117 (U.S.A).

xxxiii. Oluwasola, O., Ige, A.O. and D. Omodara (2015) “Determinants of the Responsiveness of Cooperative farmers to the Cocoa Renaissance Programme in Osun State, Nigeria”. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 7(4): 153– 161. (Kenya). http://DOI:10.5897/JDAE2014.0622

xxxiv. Oluwasola, O. (2015) "Vegetable Production, Livelihood Diversification and Employment Generation in Oyo State, Nigeria." Journal of Agricultural Science, 7 (8) :165 - 174. (Canada). http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jas.v7n8p165

xxv. Oluwasola, O. and O.A. Ige (2015) "Factors Determining the Profitability of Catfish Production in Ibadan, Oyo State." Sustainable Agriculture Research,4(4): 57 - 65. (Canada).

xxxvi. Tijani A.A, Oluwasola, O. and I.O. Baruwa (2015) “Public Sector Expenditure in
Agriculture and Economic Growth in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation”
Agrekon, 54 (2): 76 - 92. (South Africa).

xxxvii Oluwasola, O. , Adesiyan, A.T. and I.S. Egwu (2015) "Effects of Government Input Policies on the Profitability of Fish Farming in Osun State, Nigeria." Ife Journal of Agriculture (Nigeria)

xxxviii Oluwasola, O. (2016) “Local to Global Scales of Socioeconomic Constraints and Indicators of Aquaculture Development” in Udoh, J.P. and Ekpo, I.E (eds) Efficient and Sustainable Tropical Aquaculture, Published by University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria. Pp 151 – 161.